European Chapter
Cover Photo: “Prague Panorama” by Johnny Peacock
The European chapter was established in 2021 to fulfill MILS’ mission globally. Our goal is to enhance well-being in the legal profession by educating the European legal community about the benefits of mindfulness meditation and other reflective practices.
MILS’ European chapter will seek the engagement of different actors in said geographic zone with well-being in Law practices which have proved to be effective worldwide. MILS’ European chapter will be pleased to advise, partner, promote and support Law Schools, Law Bars, Law Firms, governmental offices, company's legal teams, lawyers and further legal-related professionals in their effort in doing so.
The European chapter is Chaired by Katarzyna Przyłuska-Ciszewska, based in Poland.
About Katarzyna Przyłuska-Ciszewska
Masters' in Law Degree, University of Warsaw, Poland (1997)
Barrister of Warsaw Bar Council (2004)
Faculté International pour l’Enseignement du Droit Compare in Strasburg, France (1997)
Comparative Law Study, Universita di Bologna, Italy (1998)
JAMS International Weinstein Foundation Fellow, San Francisco, USA (2019)
Certified mediator:
ADR Group, London, UK (2012)
RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors), London, UK (2016)
Mediator in Compliance Advisor Ombudsman Office, World Bank Group (2016)
Mediator Global Mediation Panel, UN Office of the Ombudsman and Mediation Service (2020)
Mediator in CEDR P2B Panel, UK. (2020)
MILS’ European Chapter representative can be contacted as follows:
Katarzyna Przyłuska-Ciszewska
Email: fundacja@promediation-foundation.org
Website: https://promediation-foundation.org