Indiana Chapter
Indiana Chapter Information
The Indiana chapter formed and began meeting in August 2020. The intention of the Indiana chapter is to be a place of support, exploration, and connection for any person who is associated with the practice of law in Indiana. When we enter gatherings of MILS—Indiana, we let go of our professional role (i.e. lawyer, law student, judicial officer, investigator, law professor, paralegal, legal secretary, and others) while we come together as human beings who are curious about practicing all sorts of contemplative practices, such as yoga, mindfulness meditation, and many others. We welcome all and hope that our practice may benefit all beings.
Jill Carnell and Loretta Oleksy facilitate offerings for the Indiana chapter.
Jill hosts the Weekly Sangha Sit every Wednesday morning, 8:30-8:55 am Eastern/7:30-7:55 am Central, via Zoom. To learn more and register, click here. Registration closes 24 hours before each sit.
Other opportunities for practice:
Each Monday and Wednesday, the Mindfulness in Law Society offers virtual sits. Click here for more info.
Every Friday afternoon, Veriditas, the organization which trained Jill in labyrinth facilitation, offers guided online finger labyrinth meditations. Registration is required for these free offerings. More information is available about halfway down their homepage.
On the second Friday and the fourth Tuesday of each month, the team at Creating Mandalas facilitates a monthly online mandala gathering. This offering is pay what you can.
Additional Resources:
Thought Kitchen has a pantry full of on-demand replay CLEs that are freely-offered and address a different aspect of well-being and/or mindfulness-based practices. You can find them here.
Jill published her Master of Arts in Mindfulness Studies thesis in September 2021. Entitled An Introduction to the Brahmavihāras: For Lawyers, Law Students, & Judicial Officers, it consists of an academic paper as well as a seven module, asynchronous online course, which is freely-offered. To learn more and register, click here.
This thesis project arose in response to the findings in the August 2017 report of the American Bar Association’s National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being titled The Path to Lawyer Well-Being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change, specifically Recommendation 8.4: Mindfulness Meditation. For more information about the Report and the work of the Institute for Well-Being in Law, visit https://lawyerwellbeing.net/the-report/.
The Indiana State Bar Association’s Well-Being Committee has many resources listed on their webpage.
Still have questions?
If you are interested in getting involved in the Indiana chapter or would like to introduce yourself to Jill, click here.