Mid-Atlantic Chapter
(VA, NC, MD, DC, PA)
MILS members are invited to join the MILS Community each week for our Mindful Monday and Wakeful Wednesday virtual sits and to participate in our monthly Community Connections Events. Visit the MILS Upcoming Events webpage for additional information, and to register for the Events.
Please email the chairs in your state below with ideas for future events:
Virginia chair:
Amy Pruett (apruett@williamsmullen.com)
DC/Maryland co-chairs:
Angela Fox (ms.angelafox@gmail.com)
Pennsylvania co-chairs:
Bob Lefevre (Lefevre@mttllaw.com)
Alison Lintal (afl2@psu.edu)
Courtney Schulnick (courtneyschulnickmindfulness@gmail.com)
Workplace Wellness Series:
Transform Conflict with Wellbeing Toolkit
Toolkit to engage in dialogue when it matters most.
Wellness Thursday
Join us every Thursday from 4:00PM-4:15PM ET for a guided mindfulness meditation practice to relax and recharge our mind and bodies! No prior meditation practice is necessary.
Take a Look at This Article by Co-Chair
Courtney Schulnick on Mindfulness
*Starts at page 26 and ends on page 29.
Listen to the episode of the Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel featuring Co-Chair Schnulnick on Spotify:
The Mid-Atlantic Chapter provides mindfulness, yoga and well-being practices within the Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, DC, and Pennsylvania legal and conflict resolution communities.
Contact Amy Pruett at apruett@williamsmullen.com for more information on upcoming events and how to get involved.
MILS members include a wide range of legal professionals across North America, including attorneys, mediators, arbitrators, paralegals, law school professors, students & administrators, law firm administrators and others striving for well-being in the legal profession.