Mindfulness in Law Society

Members Area

Member Benefits

As a member, you have unlocked several membership benefits, including:

Virtual Sits

You have access to virtual sits that are offered twice a week on Monday and Wednesday. You can participate in a 20 minute guided meditation with an experienced meditation teacher. Learn more by clicking here.


You will be the first to know about any upcoming MILS events or retreats and as a MILS member you are subject to a MILS membership discount for any registration fees (for select MILS events). Learn more by clicking here.


You will be the first to receive the monthly MILS newsletter that provides news on MILS mindfulness activities. You will learn about the interesting backgrounds and practices of MILS Board and Members via the monthly interviews and member spotlights. Learn more by clicking here.


You will have access to MILS resources through our experienced MILS mindfulness teachers and members.

Leadership Opportunities

You will be the first to know about any MILS leadership opportunities and will be able to apply for a Board member position. See the current MILS Leadership here.


You will have access to other MILS activities through over 14 different MILS Chapters that also include international MILS Chapters. See all the current MILS Chapters here.

What MILS Members are saying

“I am so happy to have joined MILS and to have the opportunity to participate on the MILS Board. As a new practicing attorney, MILS has helped me to achieve wellness and balance in my profession and personal life. I am so grateful to have found an amazing organization.”

— Shayla Bowles, MILS Membership Chair and Associate Attorney

“It is only when the mind is open and receptive that learning and seeing and change can occur.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn 2005