12:30PM PT / 2:30PM CT / 3:30PM ET
Please join the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Mindfulness In Law Society (MILS) on February 8th for a guided Savasana practice for relaxation and recuperation.
In conjunction with this quarter’s theme of “Beginner’s Mind” we will practicing stripping away our various identities and coming to rest in order to savor the ‘nectar’ of savasana.
Savasana is often translated as corpse pose. “By remaining motionless for some time and keeping the mind still while you are fully conscious, you learn to relax. This conscious relaxation invigorates and refreshes the body and mind. But it is much harder to keep the mind than the body still. Therefore, this apparently easy [yogasana/posture] is one of the most difficult to master.” (B.K.S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga)
Register HERE.