We welcome you to participate in our 1st annual membership drive during the month of September to help grow our mindfulness community. Here are a few great ways to introduce MILS to someone you know and care about:
· Plan to join the MILS Community and invite a friend to join you for our special Mindful Monday event on World Mindfulness Day, Monday, September 12 at 3 pm Eastern time. Maria Bries, Treasurer and Co-Chair of the Illinois Chapter, will lead a mindful self-compassion practice followed by a short presentation on the benefits of mindfulness.
· Invite a friend to join you at any Mindful Monday (3 pm Eastern time) or Wakeful Wednesday (5 pm Eastern time) session during the month of September. The challenge is for each member who attends a sit in September to bring at least one guest during the month! Links to attend are here (there is no need to register in advance).
· Share the benefits of your mindfulness meditation practice, and invite them to join MILS to enjoy future Mindful Monday and Wakeful Wednesday sits, discounts on MILS retreats & conferences, Local Chapter affiliation and connecting with like-minded individuals in the legal profession, suggest that they join MILS today here.