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The Student Division is Back to School!

Late summer is a busy time for students and teachers as they prepare to head back to school. August is no exception for the Mindfulness In Law Society (MILS) Student Division as they have a number of exciting initiatives and events planned to energize law student engagement in MILS. Here’s what they are up to:

●        Austin Charles and Jodi Klagos are working to generate buzz around the Student Division as students start back to school.  They have recorded this short MILS-Student Division Intro Video to introduce MILS to students.

●        Thursday, September 8th at 9AM PT / 11AM CT / 12PM ET

Austin and Jodi will be joined by Chapin Cimino, Laurie Cappello, Judi Cohen, and Alexis Firehawk for a special introductory session for law students who want to learn more about MILS. The speakers will discuss, (i) what mindfulness is, (ii) what MILS is, and (iii) various related tools and resources for stress reduction. They will answer questions from participants and provide other helpful mindfulness and well-being related information to help law students as they head into the new school year. The link to attend is here (there is no need to register in advance).

●        Monday, September 12  at 12PM PT/ 2PM CT / 3PM ET - Mindful Monday - World Mindfulness Day 2022!

After the special Mindful Monday Event, Austin Charles will briefly talk about MILS-Student Division for those interested in learning more.

September 1

Membership Drive

September 9

Dancing with the Dragons: Building Resilience in the Midst of Crisis