12:30 PM-1:30 PM PT / 2:30PM-3:30PM CT / 3:30PM-4:30PM ET
On behalf of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of Mindfulness in Law Society, please join us for a 1-hour workshop on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. (ET) for a discussion of the intersection of mindfulness and neuroscience. Co-Chairs, Robert Lefevre, Esquire and Courtney Schulnick, Esquire will discuss how we can use our minds to change our brains for the better (neuroplasticity) with a regular practice of mindfulness. We’ll also look at the intersection of mindfulness and neuroscience to open new ways of responding to the stressors in our lives in healthier ways. Bob and Courtney will share neuroscience findings from several recent scientific research studies which can satisfy the skeptic and inspire just about everyone. The program will end with a short-guided practice and an opportunity for optional group sharing. If you are interested in attending this upcoming workshop, you can register HERE.
In addition, below please find a link to the recording of a guided practice led by Bob on behalf of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter from earlier this month which invites us to pause and check in on ourselves: